New picture of officers. ***Description: GCB officers Betsy Grenevitch (At Large Representative), Marsha Farrow (Treasurer), Cecily Laney Nipper (President), Kathy Morris (Secretary). Not pictured: Marj Schneider (First Vice President), Judy Presley (Second Vice President).

Blindness Resources

Advocacy-Legislative Tool Box

ACB Manual For Board Members
This manual was written to assist state and special interest affiliate board members with procedures that would be beneficial for the organization. It should help make transition from being a member of the organization to having a position as a board member. Affiliates operate in different ways, but these guidelines should be relevant to all. Obviously, not all board members have the same capabilities and these are not meant to discourage any current board members. However, this manual is meant to provide some guidelines that should benefit the affiliate.

ACB Manual For The President
This manual was written to assist state and special interest affiliate presidents. This document will outline procedures that would be beneficial for the organization. It should help make transition from one president to another easier.

ACB manual for the secretary
This manual is written to assist state and special interest affiliates with their record keeping. These guidelines are meant to provide each secretary with procedures that can be followed. It is also meant to make the transition for a new secretary easier.

ACB manual for the treasurer
This manual was written to assist state and special interest affiliates with their record keeping. This document is meant to give the affiliate treasurers procedures that would be beneficial for the organization. It should help make transition from one treasurer to another easier. Affiliates operate in different ways but these guidelines should pertain to all. Obviously, not all treasurers have the same capabilities and these are not meant to discourage any current treasurers. However, this manual is meant to provide a means for starting some procedures that would benefit the affiliate.

ACB manual for the vice-president
This manual was written to assist state and special interest affiliate vice presidents with procedures that would be beneficial for the organization. It should help make transition from one vice president to another easier. Since the vice president may have to replace the president from time to time or be elected to president after serving in this position, this document is very similar to the president's manual. Affiliates operate in different ways but these guidelines should pertain to all affiliates.

Advocacy-Legislative Tool Box
ADVOCACY-Legislative TOOL Box contains the following tools: I. Acronyms II. Advocacy Definitions III. Technology IV. Tip Sheet V. Sample Letters A. Sample letter requesting appointment B. Sample letter to Legislator requesting Call to Action C. Sample letter when signing on with other groups with regard to a problem VI. How a Bill is made – Georgia’s Process VII. Best Practices for Advocacy - Wisconsin VIII. Leadership A. ACB Leadership Handbook B. Simplified Parliamentary Procedure Handbook IX. Resources I. Acronyms

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